Diablo 4 All Acts: Definitive Guide – eXputer

The total number of Diablo 4 Acts is Six. However, if I am to include the prologue and epilogue, then the total number of Acts will increase to Eight. In order to complete the game, all players must go through these Acts, which provide immersive gameplay and thrilling combat. In this guide, I will mention how many Acts there are in Diablo 4 and provide a short description of each Act. 

Key Takeaways

There are a total of Six Acts in Diablo 4.
The number of Acts increases to Eight, including Prologue and Epilogue.
Each Act has a specified name, which is listed as under:

Prologue: Wandering
Act 1: A Cold and Iron Faith
Act 2: The Knife Twists Again
Act 3: The Making of Monsters
Act 4: A Gathering Storm
Act 5: Secret Bartered, Fates Sold
Act 6: Dance of Makers
Epilogue: From The Wound Spilled

There is a specified number of quests for each Act as well.
The total number of quests in each Act of Diablo 4 is:

Prologue: 8 quests
Act 1: 19 quests
Act 2: 17 quests
Act 3: 16 quests
Act 4: 5 quests
Act 5: 18 quests
Act 6: 10 quests
Epilogue: 3 quests 


How Many Acts Are There In Diablo 4?

There are a total of Six Acts excluding the prologue and epilogue in Diablo 4. However, If I include the prologue and epilogue, the total number of Acts will increase to Eight. Acts can be considered a section of the full-story campaign that players must complete to finish Diablo 4.

All Diablo 4 Acts are listed as under:

Prologue: Wandering
Act 1: A Cold and Iron Faith
Act 2: The Knife Twists Again
Act 3: The Making of Monsters
Act 4: A Gathering Storm
Act 5: Secret Bartered, Fates Sold
Act 6: Dance of Makers
Epilogue: From The Wound Spilled


Diablo 4 Prologue

Diablo 4 begins with a prologue known as “Wandering.” This prologue serves as an introductory part that provides a basic understanding of Diablo 4’s mechanics. Furthermore, it gives players insights into Diablo 4’s world, enemies, dungeons, and many other things.


The prologue, “Wandering,” consist of eight main quests. These Quests are:

Dusk on the Mountain
Darkness Within
A Hero’s Return
A Hero’s Reward
Prayers for Salvation
In Search of Answers
Rite of Passage
Missing Pieces

Once players complete all these eight quests, they will progress to the first Act. The prologue will take roughly one hour to complete.

Act 1

Act 1

The first Act, “A Cold and Iron Faith, ” starts right after completing the prologue. In this quest, players will journey through the FrActured Peaks region of Diablo 4. This is where you will encounter the Cathedral of Light and its devoted followers. These followers worship Inarius, the Angel of Creation.

Just like the prologue, this quest also consists of several different quests, but they are quite large in numbers. There is a total of 19 quests in the first Act, “A Cold and Iron Faith.


III Tidings
Tarnished Luster
The Knight and the Magpie
In her Wake
Storming the Gates
The Cost of Knowledge
Guidance of Light
Kor Valar
Light’s Judgement
Light’s Protection
Shroud of the Horadrim
Fledgling Scholar
Crossing Over
Light’s Resolve

Act 2

Act 2

Moving on to the second Act, “The Knife Twists Again,” begins with the quest, “An Unforeseen Visit.” In this quest, you will depict your journey through the Scosglen region, where you will encounter the Druids, who engage in a battle against the corruption of nature by Lilith’s minions.

The second Act also consists of 17 small quests. Starting from “An Unforeseen Visit,” you venture into the Scosglen and encounter Ragnor. He will request you to investigate the dark presence in the nearby forest. The last quest of the second Act is called “As the World Burns.”


An Unforeseen Visit
Dark Omens
Encroaching Shadows
Exhuming the Forgotten
Harrowed Lament
Apex of Misery
Parting Embers
Feral Nature
The Beast Within
The Path of Rage
Fangs of Corruption
Stemming the Flow
Buried Secrets
In Ruins
Entombed Legacy
Shadow Overs Carrigar
As the World Burns

Act 3

Act 3

The third Act chronicles your expedition through the Dry Steppes territory, where you encounter the Barbarians and their valiant struggle against the invasion led by Lilith’s army. The third Act is known as “The Making of Monsters.

This Act consists of 16 different quests that you have to complete in order to complete the third Act. This Act consists of many interesting quests, such as “Descent into Flames.” In this quest, you must defeat the Tyrant King Brol in the Altar of Sacrifice. 


The Spreading Darkness
Suffering Disquiet
Whittling Sanity
A Moment to Collect
Brought Low
The City of Blood and Dust
Small Blessings
Whispers from the Past
Through the Dark Glass
Descent into Flames
Loose Threads
Oasis of Memories
Flesh from Bone
Beneath the Mask
Piercing the Veil
Exhumed Relics

Act 4

Act 4

The fourth Act takes place in the Hawezar Region. In this region, you will encounter the Rogues and their futile resistance against the Lilith Army’s tyranny. This Act is called “A Gathering Storm.” Furthermore, in this Act, you join Vani to liberate Hawezar from Lilith’s army.

Apart from the epilogue, which consists of only three quests, Act 4 can be considered the shortest Act, with a gameplay time of only 25 to 30 minutes that varies from player to player. The total number of quests in Act 4 is f4e. 


Prying the Eye
A Master’s Touch
Lost Arts
A Meeting of the Minds
Anguish Incarnate

Act 5

Act 5

During the fifth Act, you will experience your journey through the regions of Kehjistan. This is where you will counter the Vizjerei and witness their battle against the influence of Lilith’s Magic. This Act is known as “Secret Bastered, Fates Sold.” This Act has a total of 18 quests that varies in size. It will take around two hours to complete the fifth Act.


The Path D4ided
Secrets of the Zankarum
Entombed Hatred
Swamp Hospitality
Witch of the Wastes
Encumbered Mind
The Cage of Grief
Tainted Flesh
Wrach & Ruin
Cold Blood
The Serpentine Path
Dirge of the Mire
A Cold and Lifeless Shore
Picking Through the Bones
Beneath The Wine-Dark Sea
Fragments of Mortality
On the Precipice
A Chorus of Voices

Act 6

Act 6

Now moving on to the final Act, Act 6. This Act is known as the “Dance of the Makers.” In the last Act, you return to the region of Fractured Peaks. This is where you will encounter the Monks grappling with the madness brought by Lilith’s magic. And in the second last quest of this Act, “The Blind Eye,” you fight against Lilith to defeat her.


Evil Stirs in Kehjistan
The Jewel of the East
The Scouring of Caldeum
The Walls Shake
Turning the Tide
Essence of Hatred
In Desolation’s Wake
Light Extinguished
The Blind Eye
What Lies Ahead


Diablo 4 Epilogue

Once you complete the main campaign of Diablo 4, you will have to go through a small epilogue. The epilogue is known as “From the Wound Spilled.” The epilogue has only three small quests that will take 10 to 15 minutes to complete. At the end of the epilogue, you speak with Lorath and hand him a letter. Neyrelle sends this letter. In which she states that she is going to embark on another journey without Lorath.


A Heavy Burden
Legacy of the Horadrim


In this guide, I have mentioned all the Diablo 4 Acts with the total quests present in each Act. Completing all these Acts will mark the completion of Diablo 4’s main story quest. While completing these Acts, players will face many hard bosses, including Lilith as the final boss in Act 6. 

Read more Diablo 4 guides, such as Diablo 4 all classes, best sorceress build, best solo class, and much more. If you are new to Diablo 4, then make sure to check out our Diablo 4 beginner’s guide, as it can prove to be very useful for newcomers. 


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