Gems are an essential item in Diablo 4 that can grant useful buffs to your equipment. When it comes to Weapons, gems mainly focus on increasing a certain kind of damage. Since there are 7 Types in the game, it becomes crucial to get familiar with them so that you can get your hands on Diablo 4 Best Gem for Weapon!
Gems in Diablo 4 can take your equipment to the next level by adding some game-changing buffs.
With seven kinds of Gems to choose from, here are some of the gems that you can always rely on regardless of the weapons or build you’re using in Diablo 4.
You can find these gems by looting chests or taking down enemies in Diablo 4.
Players can also further upgrade their gems by taking them to the Jeweler NPC.
Each upgrade will cost some Gold and 3 Gems of the prior rarity.
Best Gems For Weapons In Diablo 4
Best Weapons Gems [Screenshot by eXputer]Here is a quick rundown of the picks for the Best Weapon Gems:
RankGemWeapon Effect
5TopazEnhances Basic Skill Damage.
4SapphireEnhances Critical Damage to Crowd Control enemies.
3AmethystBoosts Overtime Damage.
2DiamondIncreases Ultimate Skill Damage.
1EmeraldEnhances Critical Damage against Vulnerable enemies.
As I mentioned earlier, Diablo 4 features seven types of Gems. Each of these will add a different effect depending on the equipment you’re applying it to. Players can apply Gems to Weapons, Armor, and Jewelry. Having the Best Weapon Gem will allow you to take your Build to the next level, regardless of the class you’re using.
Since the focus is solely on Weapons, it’s only understandable that your aim should be on the Damage Effects. Each Gem will add a different effect to your weapon; some of them may prove to be a huge game-changer for your weapon, while others might hardly add any changes. However, it’s important to know the type of weapon you’re using with your class since that can greatly influence your gem choice.
NOTE: It is crucial to understand that some weapons are locked for specific Diablo 4 classes. For example, Bows can only be used by the Rogue, and Barbarians can use two-handed weapons.
With that said, let’s check out the Diablo 4 Best Gem for Weapon!
1. Emerald
Emerald Gem [Screenshot by eXputer]
Emerald Gem
Weapon Effect
6% increase in Critical Strike Damage to Vulnerable Enemies.
7.5% increase in Critical Strike Damage to Vulnerable Enemies.
9% increase in Critical Strike Damage to Vulnerable Enemies.
10.5% increase in Critical Strike Damage to Vulnerable Enemies.
12% increase in Critical Strike Damage to Vulnerable Enemies.
3 Crude Emeralds
4,500 Gold
3 Chipped Emeralds
12,500 Gold
3 Emeralds
18,000 Gold
3 Flawless Emeralds
50,000 Gold
Other than being one of the Best Gems for Weapons, the Emerald also holds up its spot in other categories (armor and jewelry) as well. Of course, every gem will grant your weapon a damage buff, but what sets Emerald apart from the others is its increased damage against Vulnerable enemies.
Vulnerable is a status debuff you can inflict on enemies by using special skills. There are tons of skills for each class that can inflict the debuff, such as Enhanced Flay for the Barbarian and Flickering Frost for the Sorceress. Whenever an enemy becomes vulnerable, they take 20% increased damage.
So if you happen to have a weapon that constantly makes enemies vulnerable, then having the Emerald Gem will be a game changer. I personally loved running the Emerald Gem on my Necromancer weapons in Diablo 4. The biggest plus point of the Vulnerable status is that it can also be applied to Diablo 4 Bosses!
2. Diamond
Diablo 4 Diamond [Image taken by eXputer]
Diamond Gem
Weapon Effect
4% increase in Ultimate Skill Damage.
5% increase in Ultimate Skill Damage.
6% increase in Ultimate Skill Damage.
7% increase in Ultimate Skill Damage.
8% increase in Ultimate Skill Damage.
3 Crude Diamonds
4,500 Gold
3 Chipped Diamonds
12,500 Gold
3 Diamonds
18,000 Gold
3 Flawless Diamonds
50,000 Gold
Another great option to enhance the performance of your weapon is by getting a Diamond gem. The Diamond Gem may not be suited for early/mid-game; this one will only come in handy during the endgame when you finally get to unlock an Ultimate Skill from your Class’ skill tree.
The Ultimate Skills are the ones that are present at the bottom of the skill tree. So to put things into perspective, let’s suppose you have Druid as your main class, and you’ve unlocked the Grizzly Rage skill. Whenever you use the skill, your damage will get increased (depending on the rarity of the gem) with the Diamond Gem.
So if you’re someone who heavily relies on Ultimate Skill Damage with their Diablo 4 weapon, then the Diamond Gem will do wonders for you. It will make you an unstoppable force. The Diamond Gem is very well suited with late-game Druid, Rogue, and Necromancer Weapons in Diablo 4.
3. Amethyst
Diablo 4 Amethyst [Screenshot by eXputer]
Amethyst Gem
Weapon Effect
4% increase in Damage Over Time.
5% increase in Damage Over Time.
6% increase in Damage Over Time.
7% increase in Damage Over Time.
8% increase in Damage Over Time.
3 Crude Amethyst
4,500 Gold
3 Chipped Amethyst
12,500 Gold
3 Amethyst
18,000 Gold
3 Flawless Amethyst
50,000 Gold
Amethyst Gem might be the best one out there for players who rely on the Damage Over Time (DoT) effect. If you’ve spent hours in Diablo 4, you would be well aware of some DoT effects. These mainly include bleed, burning, poison, or blight damage. If your weapon or build is able to inflict any of the DoT effects, then the Amethyst has to be your go-to choice.
For those of you who do not know, Damage Over Time inflicts a status on the enemy, which causes them to take damage for a few seconds even if you’re not physically hitting them. Barbarians are by far the most used class for Bleed builds. Additionally, if you happen to have the Hellhammer (Mace) or Fields of Crimson (Sword), then the Amythest will enhance their abilities greatly!
In all honesty, if you’re running any kind of Bleed or Poison build on your Necromancer, Sorcerer, or Rogue Weapons then try aiming for the Amethyst Gem in Diablo 4. The Royal Amethyst can help you add 8% on Damage Over Time.
4. Sapphire
Diablo 4 Sapphire [Screenshot by eXputer]
Sapphire Gem
Weapon Effect
6% increase in Critical Strike Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies.
7.5% increase in Critical Strike Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies.
9% increase in Critical Strike Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies.
10.5% increase in Critical Strike Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies.
12% increase in Critical Strike Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies.
3 Crude Sapphire
4,500 Gold
3 Chipped Sapphire
12,500 Gold
3 Sapphire
18,000 Gold
3 Flawless Sapphire
50,000 Gold
The Sapphire Gem adds a low-key effect on your weapon. It may not help you take down the Diablo 4 Bosses, but it will surely help you deal with hordes of enemies. With the Sapphire Gem, you will be able to increase critical strike damage on crowd-controlled enemies.
Crowd Control effects usually slow down a bunch of enemies at once. Players can also inflict some crowd control effects, which decrease damage received. To be more precise, some of the Crowd Control Effects include:
Crowd Controlling is usually associated with skills. Rogues can use some of their skills to Daze enemies. Whereas, Barbarians can stun their foes. Regardless of your class, build, and weapon, if you’re relying on Crowd Controlling AoE attacks, then the Sapphire Gem is worth considering. In my opinion, Sapphire is a great Diablo 4 gem for Rogue Weapons.
5. Topaz
Diablo 4 Topaz [Screenshot by eXputer]
Topaz Gem
Weapon Effect
10% increase in Basic Skill Damage.
12.5% increase in Basic Skill Damage.
15% increase in Basic Skill Damage.
17.5% increase in Basic Skill Damage.
20% increase in Basic Skill Damage.
3 Crude Topaz
4,500 Gold
3 Chipped Topaz
12,500 Gold
3 Topaz
18,000 Gold
3 Flawless Topaz
50,000 Gold
Last, but not least, the Topaz Gem is another great option to go for when you’re trying to bump up your weapons. In Diablo 4, the Basic Skills are by far the most used for each class. These can be executed easily and are great for quick buffs, damage, crowd control, DoT, and whatnot. Therefore, if you get the chance to increase the Basic Skill Damage with the Topaz Gem, then do not hesitate!
With the Royal Topaz, you can get up to a 20% increase in Basic Skill Damage. Another great thing about this gem is that it suits almost every class in Diablo 4. So even if you’re running a Necromancer, Rogue, or Sorcerer, the Topaz gem will surely make your weapon feel a lot better on the battlefield.
Specifically, the Topaz is one of the best gems for early-game Necromancer weapons since these classes really do need the extra push in the beginning. Therefore, Topaz on your Weapon slots can surely help you ease through the early hours.
It’s also worth mentioning that the Ruby Gem is also a decent shout for weapons. It adds additional Overpower damage to your weapons.
How To Get Gems In Diablo 4?
There are multiple ways you can get your hands on Gems in Diablo 4. Enemies usually drop these once they are killed. However, the gem’s rarity usually depends on the player’s level. So if you have just started, you would most probably get Crude Gems through drops.
Players can also find Gems in Chests found in the open world. Rewards from chests are completely randomized; however, there is a slight chance that players might get a Gem from them. The drop rate of gems from chests is even higher when events are ongoing in Diablo 4. Once you do manage to get a few Gems, you can take it to the Jeweler and further upgrade it.
Jeweler [Screenshot by eXputer]The Jeweler will be your main go-to NPC for everything related to Gems and Weapon Sockets. To be precise, the Jewelers can add sockets to your equipment, upgrade gems, and remove gems from your equipment. Some weapons will either have no or only one socket available for a gem. For such cases, you can head to the Jeweler and add a socket for your gem.
IMPORTANT: Players can unlock the Jeweler and their initial quest called “Gem Crafting” after reaching Level 20.
Some weapons, like the Two-Handed Swords, can have two sockets. So you can add an additional gem to them. However, it is to be noted that Two-handed swords can only be handled by Barbarians.
Upgrading Gems
Upgrading/Crafting Gems [Image Credit: eXputer]As for gem upgrading, players will need to provide the prior rarity gem along with a fixed amount of gold. Gem upgrading is important since it will help enhance its buffs and make it more viable for the later stages.
The lowest rarity of a gem is called Crude, whereas the highest one is termed Royal. In total, there are 5 Rarities for Each Gem. In order to upgrade your Gem, you will also need to get a fair amount of gold in your pocket. For example, upgrading a Crude Gem to Chipped will cost you 4,500 Gold (first upgrade). On the other hand, upgrading a Flawless Gem to Royal will cost you 50,000 Gold (final upgrade).
Hopefully, the Diablo 4 Best Gem for Weapon guide helped you understand a few things and cleared your mind on which gems you should get first. Each gem provides a unique buff to your weapon; therefore, your aim should be to prioritize what your build is about and then add the relevant gem that complements your weapon.
Once you have sorted out your weapons, then try checking out some other stuff that can boost your gameplay even further. You can check out the Diablo 4 Class Tier list as well as the Best Aspects. If you’ve just started off, then consider going through the Beginners Guide. On top of that, it’s also important to learn how to get Harlequin Crest. You can also check out the Talent Tree calculator to help you plan out your optimal build.
Next Up:
Diablo 4: How to get Murmuring Obols
Diablo 4: All Editions
Diablo 4: How to Beat Andariel
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