Diablo 4: Shadowed Plunge Dungeon [Walkthrough] – eXputer

The Shadowed Plunge dungeon is a special instance in Diablo 4, situated in the Haweza region. The mechanics of the dungeon involves several objectives, such as freeing prisoners, slaying enemies in a specific area, and destroying magical wards. Completing these objectives is challenging, often involving combat against powerful enemies and elites. This dungeon stands out due to the unique rewards it offers upon completion, specifically a Rogue-specific Aspect known as the Aspect of Branching Volleys

Key Takeaways

Shadowed Plunge is a notable dungeon in Diablo 4, located in the Haweza region, specifically in the Vyeresz area.
The main reward for completing the dungeon is the Aspect of Branching Volleys, which increases the chance of Rogue’s Barrage ability splitting into two arrows on impact.
Aspect of Branching Volleys can be equipped with weapons, gloves, amulets, and rings.
It provides a 100 percent power boost when equipped on a two-handed weapon and a 50 percent boost on an amulet.
To unlock the Shadowed Plunge dungeon, players must first clear the Vyeresz Stronghold located in the same area.
Clearing the Vyeresz Stronghold involves battling and defeating all the mobs present within the stronghold.
Once inside the Shadowed Plunge dungeon, players must complete three main objectives:

Freeing seven prisoners
Slaying all enemies in a specific area
Destroying three “Ward of Eyes.”

The final objective, destroying the “Ward of Eyes,” often involves battling elite mobs, so prioritizing these can ease the fight.
In addition to the Aspect of Branching Volleys, rewards for completing the dungeon include experience points, gold, and the chance for gear drops for progression.

What Is Shadowed Plunge?

Starting location

One such notable dungeon is the Shadowed Plunge. Situated in the Haweza region, this dungeon stands apart from the rest due to the prized reward it offers upon completion: the Aspect of Branching Volleys. This makes it an invaluable addition to a Rogue’s arsenal, significantly amplifying their damage output and crowd control potential.

In terms of equipment compatibility, this Aspect can be affixed to weapons, gloves, amulets, and rings.
However, it’s particularly beneficial when equipped with a two-handed weapon, thanks to its unique bonus effect that doubles its power.

Exact Location

The Shadowed Plunge dungeon is located within the Haweza region, which is typically the last region players encounter in their journey through Diablo 4. It’s a region that hosts the final acts of the main storyline.

In terms of geographical placement, Haweza is positioned to the south of Fractured Peaks on the map. You should focus your attention in Haweza on the Vyeresz neighborhood, which is in the region’s center. For reference, it’s situated to the east of Zarbinzet, the main hub town of Hawezar.

Here, you’ll need to locate and clear the Vyeresz Stronghold before the Shadowed Plunge dungeon becomes accessible.
Clearing this stronghold acts as a prerequisite to unlocking the dungeon.
Once you’ve successfully vanquished the Vyeresz Stronghold, the Shadowed Plunge dungeon will appear on the map, roughly in the same area as the stronghold was located.

Tips And Tricks

The Vyeresz Stronghold is located within the Vyeresz area, found in the Hawezar region of Diablo 4. This stronghold acts as a sort of “gatekeeper” to the Shadowed Plunge dungeon, and it is not until you clear this stronghold that the entrance to the dungeon becomes accessible.

Clearing the Vyeresz Stronghold involves battling and defeating the mobs that reside within it. Depending on your level and gear, this may prove a challenging feat.

However, with a well-rounded team or strategic solo play, it is certainly achievable.
In my experience, the Vyeresz Stronghold did not involve any complex mechanics or puzzles.
It was mostly a combat-based challenge that required taking down the mobs present in the stronghold.
Once all these foes have been defeated, the Shadowed Plunge dungeon will become available for exploration.

Clearing The Vyeresz Stronghold

The first step towards unlocking the Shadowed Plunge dungeon in Diablo 4 involves a challenge of its own – clearing the Vyeresz Stronghold. Located in the same area where the dungeon will later appear, the Vyeresz Stronghold serves as a prelude to the trials of the Shadowed Plunge.

Locate the Vyeresz Stronghold: Once you reach the appropriate area, the stronghold will be visible on your map.
Prepare for the Battle: Before you start clearing the stronghold, ensure that your character is equipped with upgraded gear and ample consumables.

The mobs inside the stronghold can be quite challenging, especially if you’re venturing in solo. Prepare for a fierce battle.

Clear Out the Mobs: The task is simple – you must eliminate all mobs inside the stronghold. The number and type of enemies will depend on your level and Diablo 4’s difficulty setting.
Verify Completion: Once you have defeated all the enemies, double-check that you’ve cleared all the areas within the Vyeresz Stronghold. The dungeon will only unlock once all enemies are defeated.
Unlock the Shadowed Plunge Dungeon: Following the completion of the Vyeresz Stronghold, the Shadowed Plunge dungeon will appear on the map, roughly in the same location.

Inside The Shadowed Plunge Dungeon

Ward of Eyes

The dungeon presents a set of specific objectives that you must complete to earn the coveted Aspect of Branching Volleys. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you accomplish each of these objectives.

Freeing the Seven Prisoners: Upon entering the dungeon, you’ll be required to free seven prisoners. To achieve this, approach each prisoner and untie them from their wooden stakes.

It’s crucial to note that there are usually many enemies surrounding each prisoner.
This often leads to challenging encounters, so come prepared with plenty of consumables and a well-thought-out strategy for crowd control.

Slaying all Enemies in the Specific Area: After freeing all the prisoners, your next objective will involve clearing all enemies in a specific section of the dungeon.

Diablo 4 will assist you by indicating the locations of remaining enemies with red dots on your Shadowed Plunge Diablo 4 map.
This objective can turn into an intense fight, depending on the volume and type of enemies you encounter.
Ensure you have fully stocked up on health potions and other necessities before embarking on this task.

Destroying the Three Ward of Eyes: The final objective within the Shadowed Plunge dungeon is to find and destroy three “Ward of Eyes.”

These are found in separate sections of the dungeon, and you’ll need to deal damage to each one until they disappear.
This forms the crux of the final boss fight within the dungeon. Be prepared for a swarm of enemies surrounding each Ward of Eyes, including several elite mobs.
Taking out these elites first can significantly ease the fight, allowing you to focus on the Wards without constant interruptions.


Completion Rewards

The most notable reward is the coveted Rogue-specific Aspect, the Aspect of Branching Volleys. The Aspect of Branching Volleys significantly enhances the Rogue class’s abilities, providing a notable advantage during combat.

When equipped, this Aspect gives your Rogue’s Barrage ability a 15 to 25 percent chance of splitting into two arrows whenever they ricochet. This essentially amplifies your damage output and provides increased crowd control, making it an invaluable asset in your Rogue’s arsenal.

In terms of equipment compatibility, this Aspect can be equipped with your weapons, gloves, amulets, and rings.
If you equip it on a two-handed weapon, the power of the Aspect increases by 100 percent, making it a deadly addition to your weapon.
If you don’t have a two-handed weapon, you can opt to equip it with an amulet, which still provides a significant power increase of 50 percent.
Apart from the Aspect of Branching Volleys, completing the Shadowed Plunge dungeon also provides the usual dungeon rewards, including experience points, gold, and a chance for other gear drops.

This is it from my side. I hope you now know everything about Shadowed Plunge Diablo 4. While you are at it, don’t forget to read the guide on the Diablo 4 Loot Cave and Diablo 4 Donan’s Favor Quest. Make sure to check out the guide on gathering legions and XP farming in Diablo 4. Lastly, don’t forget to see the guide on how to get a mount in Diablo 4. 


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